Ms. Geneva's 50/50 Has              M/WBE Certification,         Is a Registered Vendor of NYC & The NYC Department of Education  (FAMIS) System
  Book Your Experience Today !! 

The Peoplez Chef is dedicated to supporting our Communities and Families of all ages & diversities for the past 18 years.

 I Advocate & Facilitate awareness of Nutrition & Physical Wellness with Prevention & Maintenance of various Health Complications / Diseases such as though not limited to

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Obesity to our Youth, Adults and Families in our Communities Thru Hands On Prep and tasting with Resources & Community Outreach to Implement Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Community Events
With Our
 Beloved Heidi Hynes
Workshops Around The Bronx Featuring S.A.G.E Bronx 
Services For Developmentally Challenged
M.S 391 

The Angelo Patri-Middle School

Find Out How Ms. Geneva's 50/50
 Hands-On Nutrition Workshop Services

Can Make Your Job Easy...

I am given strength by my Beloved

Grandmother " The General "

 Ms. Geneva C. Wilson
Current Updates Coming Shortly
         C.E.R.T - Community Emergency Response Team